关于达明 » 任务 & 哲学

任务 & 哲学

达米安高中是全国公认的高中学术卓越,因开发高中男生的才能和潜力而备受尊敬. Inspired by the 富有同情心的 example of Saint 达明 of Moloka'i to ensure the well-being of others, 达明 has a strong tradition of educating students to be men of service, 奖学金, 和信仰. 达米安高中由洛杉矶大主教管区拥有和经营,并得到西方学校和学院协会(WASC)和西方天主教教育协会(WCEA)的全面认可。.
灵感来自St. 莫洛卡岛的达米安, a member of the Congregation of the 神圣的心 of 耶稣 and Mary, 达米安高中, 一所天主教男校, 培养人的 服务、学识和信仰, 准备好参与全球社会.


本着圣. 莫洛卡岛的达米安, 达米安高中的基督教服务为学生提供了超越课堂的机会,将学术理论和基督教信仰带入当地社区. 基督教服务 engages students in socially responsible action that offers substantive, 富有同情心的, 充满信仰的服务改变了被服务者和正在服务者的生活. 作为基督教礼拜经历的一部分, 学生们面临的挑战是在新的和正在进行的项目中担任领导角色,与致力于带来治愈的组织合作, 希望, and transformation to those living in our communities.




达米安高中的教职员工为学生提供了广泛的机会来获取知识,培养未来学术成功所必需的批判性阅读和写作技能. The emphasis in the curriculum is college preparatory; all students will have met or exceeded the subject requirements for admission to the CSU and UC systems. 毕业后, 学生将在必修课和选修课中掌握基础学科的广泛知识. 学生学会分析, 解决, 理解问题, and express their ideas in a clear and meaningful fashion. As part of this process technology is integrated with the curriculum in all classes and at all levels.


奖学金的课外发展, the physical and social development of a 达明 student, 补充他的智力发展. The program offered at 达明 has as its core interscholastic sports, 视觉艺术展览, music and theater performances in the performing arts, 机器人竞赛. In addition student may participate in a wide range of clubs and ASB activities. 在这些活动中, 学生有机会发展领导能力, 自律, 以及良好的体育精神. The faculty encourages students to participate in such co-curricular activities, because they are an important and rewarding aspect of school life. 




达明’s primary mission is to teach as 耶稣 did.  这个任务, according to the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 呼吁教师在他们的教学中整合天主教教育的四个维度:信息, 社区, 敬拜, 和服务. 信仰计划, 通过神学的指导, 教师见证, 撤退, 和仪式, 促进达米安学生的心灵成长. Within the Catholic tradition, students develop recognition of self-worth and the dignity of others. 学校家庭是一个充满爱心的信仰社区,在相互支持的氛围中培养成员. This ministry enables the student to become a confident, 自律, 积极参与世界的生活.



      • 学习耶稣基督的生平和教导.
      • Engaging in 基督教服务 opportunities in the spirit of St. 达明.
      • Participating in liturgical celebrations and 撤退.
      • 完成大学预备课程.
      • Analyzing, evaluating, interpreting, researching, and synthesizing information.
      • Utilizing technology responsibly as a tool for learning.
      • Employing individual and collaborative problem solving strategies.
      • Exploring and respecting the cultural contributions of all societies.
      • Recognizing the various social, political, and economic forces that shape our world.
      • Understanding our responsibility as stewards of the natural environment and its resources.
      • 养成健康的生活方式.
      • Embracing the eight attributes of the SPARTAN Code.
      • 利用领导的机会.
      • 遵循黄金法则.
2006年,博士. 伦纳德·萨克斯写了一本名为《澳门博彩在线》的书,他在书中提出了一个担忧,即越来越多的男孩在传统学校里表现不出色,而且还被诊断患有注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD).

当博士. 萨克斯将这种成绩下降与关于青春期男孩学习过程的最新医学/大脑研究进行了比较, Dr. Sax concluded that current traditional schools are designed to favor the learning potential of girls. 因此,博士. Sax also concluded that boys are best served by a different learning environment, 尤其是单性别学校, which can amount to increased levels of 学术 success for boys. 看到博士. 萨克斯对单一性别公共教育的研究:

In the summer of 2013, 达明’s 教师 Supervisor, Chris Douglas, and Principal Dr. 梅里特·海明威参加了国际男校联盟(IBSC)会议,在会上他们听取了来自世界各地关于成功的全男生教育的最新研究.

在2014年的夏天, 另外六名达米安学院的教师参加了IBSC会议,并带回了大量关于改善男孩学习的想法. These ideas have subsequently been shared with all 达明 teachers. 这包括最近为遭受脑震荡的学生实施的“回归学习”协议. 许多教职员工也阅读了Michael Reichert和Richard Hawley所著的《澳门博彩在线》一书,并对其进行了报道, 哪一点强调了教师需要关注帮助男孩成为成功学习者的关系动态.

At the International Boys School Coalition Conference on all-boys education, attendees also learned that boys love to move around, 竞争, 利用科技, and to exercise a level of control over their environment.
这些研究概念中的许多都是在达米安高中已经使用多年的学习模式. 事实上, 作为一所单性别学校,我们的一大优势是我们可以努力加强这种模式,以确保达米安的年轻人茁壮成长并取得成功.

当我们在全校范围内应用这些原则时, we seek to create a more favorable learning environment for young males. 想想达米恩的新工程教室. There is plenty of room to move about as students engage in a day’s lesson. Sit in a one of the new classroom chairs and you’ll notice that it moves with you!

最后, 你会注意到,传统的课桌已经被特别设计的桌子所取代,以适应灵活的教室设计. 而我们的工程类目前集中体现了我们的承诺,为年轻人量身定制的教育经验, 我们已经开始计划重新设计我们所有的教室,考虑到年轻人的学习需要.
Our tri-school association with Pomona Catholic and St. Lucy's certainly allows for plenty of interaction with young ladies, but this interaction does not take place from 7:45-2:55 pm, 哪段时间是专门用来学习的. 对于达米安的学生来说,这意味着他们与他们竞争成绩的学生是他们的同龄人. By the time of graduation they are not merely peers, but brothers.
Our unique House system supports this brotherhood among grades 9 through 12. Each House is comprised of students from each grade level, which increases the level of camaraderie among the student body. 通过房子之间的友好竞争, 学生们像兄弟一样跨年级竞争, 不仅仅是大一新生, 二年级的学生, 初中, or seniors (a distinction that often emphasizes student division as opposed to unity). 学生们自己也决定每年的学院比赛(过去的比赛包括智力竞赛碗), 音乐碗, 室外地滚球戏球, 去踢球, 3-on-3篮球, 极限飞盘, flag-football and of course the Spartan Olympics which takes place in May). 大一新生还与一位大哥配对,这位大哥在达米安大学的第一年指导和指导他们.
We are also blessed with outstanding on-campus athletic facilities. As noted by the San Gabriel Valley Tribune last year, 达明 HS maintains the #1 athletic facilities in the valley. This certainly makes for a great environment for athletic competition, 而且学生们不需要长途跋涉去练习.
当然,达米安还有The PIT(《在线博彩平台》也提到它是山谷里最顶尖的啦啦队之一),女孩们来这里和男孩们一起欢呼. Participation in The Pit is unique and vibrant aspect of the campus life.
还要考虑入学荣誉奖学金获得者的历史,以及达米安大学的AP学者. 我们提供优秀奖学金(入学荣誉)给在分班考试中得分达到或超过90百分位的学生. Currently, 184 students (almost 20% of the 达明 student body) receive this award. This makes for a very competitive learning environment. This also explains why of the 212 graduates from the class of 2014, 122 of them were AP Scholars of some degree including 75 AP Scholars, 16名AP荣誉学者, 31名杰出的AP学者, 8名国家AP学者. 我们确实有很多学者.
最近, 达明明矾, 威廉·齐藤,87年, 他写了一本名为《澳门博彩在线》的自传(可以在亚马逊上买到),在这本自传中,他提到了自己在达米安大学读书时的许多难忘经历. 不足为奇的是, 他强调了什么是达米安的历史标志,那就是参与基督教服务的机会. 事实上, 我们为我们的服务历史感到自豪, which so often fosters among our students a lifelong commitment to serve our greater communities.
Lastly, our campus ministry programs are an essential component of the 达明 experience. This includes the opportunity to participate in student 撤退, 从大一开始,一直持续到大二,都有一天的校内静修活动. 作为初中, students have the opportunity to participate in an Emmaus retreat, 在校外举办两天. 最后, the culmination of this retreat experience is the four-day Kairos Retreat, which seniors often describe as the highlight of their four years at 达明. Traditionally 95% of the all senior classes attend Kairos, 在忙碌的生活中,这是一个特殊的“休息时间”,用来探索与他人的关系,最终是与我们的创造者上帝和他的儿子的关系, 耶稣.
事实上, there are many advantages shared on a campus consisting of all male students, 达米安自豪地坚持这些独特之处,使我们的学校社区远远超过“传统学校”.“最终, 达明 is a place where a young man can thrive and fulfill their best leadership, 学术, 精神潜能.
达米安校长博士. 梅里特海明威进行

我们会回忆那些夜晚 胜利